Monday 3 June 2024

Jillian Lee Adamson

Jillian Lee Anderson has been embroidering sometimes on a vast scale metaphorical cellular structures with single threads of floss on water soluble fabric..

"Jillian’s work is a visual distillation of experiential knowledge gained whilst traversing a world not always designed with her success in mind. Through the rhythmic and tactile process of slow stitching, Jillian uses a needle and thread to create intricate and symbolic representations of her journey. The metaphorical cells she embroiders symbolise resilience and adaptability–a testament to the strength she has cultivated in order to contend with life's many challenges.

Cells are potent reminders of our ability to develop resistance and emerge stronger. The cell's protective membrane symbolises safety and stability, and its ability to cleanse itself through autophagy signifies the paramount importance of self-care. 

By allowing her thoughts to surface without judgement, slow stitching enables Jillian to practise mindfulness and process past traumas in a gentle and non-threatening manner. Her embroidery work's intricate and delicate nature belies its true strength, symbolising the incredible resilience and inner strength within us all. 

A single thread is weak, but when that thread is woven around itself, when it is tied and pulled, knotted and twisted, it becomes nearly indestructible whilst maintaining an appearance of fragility." Jillian Lee Anderson

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