Tuesday 30 May 2023

Anna Gradetchlieva

 (Studio image above by Gavin Smart).

Sleep from ‘Button for Sleep’ by Valeri Petrov, is one of the graduation costumes of  Anna Gradeetchieva magical and poetic.

Monday 29 May 2023

Iona Lynch

Iona Lynch, The Lady on the Grey, from a Spiegeltent theatre adaptation of Neil Gaiman's 'The Graveyard Book', inspired by German Expressionism and Pre-Raphaelite models. I loved the translucence of Iona's costume, especially on the cape, it was magical in the lights. 

Sunday 28 May 2023

Iona Verity


Iona Verity graduating for ECA Performance Costume Design chose to make a wonderful costume for Spiller from The Borrowers by Mary Norton, I will add details from this costume after I have attended the degree show and got to see it close up but I loved every aspect of it in the show. (Studio images above by Gavin Smart).